Suite enables you to easily share links with members of your team that direct to a specific File or Folder location.
โ ๏ธ Links can only be generated on the macOS version of Suite but can be opened by both Mac and Windows users.
To Generate a Shareable Link
Step 1: Right-click on the file or folder within the Suite Drive, then select "Copy Link"
โ ๏ธ Not seeing "Copy Link"?
โ ๏ธ Not seeing "Copy Link"?
Go to System Settings > Privacy & Security > Extensions -> Added Extensions
Do you see Suite?
Step 2: This link is ready to be shared!
When a team member clicks on a link you've shared, they'll be taken straight to the corresponding file or folder in the Suite Drive.
Team members opening the link(s) will need to have permissions to the corresponding file/folder.
โThe Suite application must be open and running to open these links.
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